A pioneering spirit. A thirst for action. Innovative strength: the success story of Napoleon is supported by strong pillars. The company was shaped by German and Canadian influences - and this connection is reflected in our daily work: We combine the demands of nature and the environment with quality, and stand for a high-quality, naturally comfortable home in the world of today. In doing so, we succeed in setting new accents time and again.

A thirst for adventure is the starting shot
It all started with a wish. In October 1969, the toolmaker Wolfgang Schroeter emigrated from Pforzheim to Canada. He had nothing in his pocket - but he was inspired by the desire to make it. "A thirst for adventure - that was all", as Wolfgang Schroeter, who took the first step towards a great success story, recalls.
Just a couple of tools.
And a lot of zest.
In Barrie, Canada, Wolfgang Schroeter initially worked as a toolmaker and met his wife Ingrid - a fellow German national. Irregular orders made for unstable employment - so Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter decided to take matters into their own hands in 1976, when they founded Wolf Steel Ltd. in Barrie with just a few newly purchased tools in a garage.

A stove stokes the business
Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter initially produced railings and quickly became a region leader. However, things really got going when Ingrid's father wanted an oven in 1978. Wolfgang Schroeter built it. Then one for the neighbour. This was followed by further inquiries. And that's how the Schroeters came to be in the oven business.
Napoleon. From an idea to the brand.
In 1980, Wolfgang Schroeter and his small team were the first to equip wood stoves with ceramic glass and an air purification system. Wolfgang Schroeter redesigned the oven door and invented the brand name Napoleon. Today, Napoleon products are in service at company buildings in 34 countries around the world, and they are the epitome of quality, service and reliability.

Steady growth
The company continued to grow under the leadership of Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter. Grills and fireplaces were added to the range of ovens, and later central heating and ventilation systems. The development of the Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces is a new chapter in the success story of the company. Everything thought out and thought through. And always with passion, experience and a sense for something special.
The second generation moves to the fore
Napoleon has been and is shaped by growth. The sons Chris and Stephen Schroeter experienced this positive effect first hand: Both have been part of the team, which has grown to the current level of 1,600 employees, for around 20 years. They now run the company with President Ron McArthur. Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter continue to support the management team with their ideas and advice.

A pioneering spirit. A thirst for action. Innovative strength: the success story of Napoleon is supported by strong pillars. The company was shaped by German and Canadian influences - and this connection is reflected in our daily work: We combine the demands of nature and the environment with quality, and stand for a high-quality, naturally comfortable home in the world of today. In doing so, we succeed in setting new accents time and again.

A thirst for adventure is the starting shot
It all started with a wish. In October 1969, the toolmaker Wolfgang Schroeter emigrated from Pforzheim to Canada. He had nothing in his pocket - but he was inspired by the desire to make it. "A thirst for adventure - that was all", as Wolfgang Schroeter, who took the first step towards a great success story, recalls.

Just a couple of tools. And a lot of zest.
In Barrie, Canada, Wolfgang Schroeter initially worked as a toolmaker and met his wife Ingrid - a fellow German national. Irregular orders made for unstable employment - so Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter decided to take matters into their own hands in 1976, when they founded Wolf Steel Ltd. in Barrie with just a few newly purchased tools in a garage.

A stove stokes the business
Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter initially produced railings and quickly became a region leader. However, things really got going when Ingrid's father wanted an oven in 1978. Wolfgang Schroeter built it. Then one for the neighbour. This was followed by further inquiries. And that's how the Schroeters came to be in the oven business.

Napoleon. From an idea to the brand.
In 1980, Wolfgang Schroeter and his small team were the first to equip wood stoves with ceramic glass and an air purification system. Wolfgang Schroeter redesigned the oven door and invented the brand name Napoleon. Today, Napoleon products are in service at company buildings in 34 countries around the world, and they are the epitome of quality, service and reliability.

Steady growth
The company continued to grow under the leadership of Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter. Grills and fireplaces were added to the range of ovens, and later central heating and ventilation systems. The development of the Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces is a new chapter in the success story of the company. Everything thought out and thought through. And always with passion, experience and a sense for something special.

The second generation moves to the fore
Napoleon has been and is shaped by growth. The sons Chris and Stephen Schroeter experienced this positive effect first hand: Both have been part of the team, which has grown to the current level of 1,600 employees, for around 20 years. They now run the company with President Ron McArthur. Ingrid and Wolfgang Schroeter continue to support the management team with their ideas and advice.

Pioniergeist. Tatendrang. Innovationskraft: Die Erfolgsgeschichte von Napoleon wird von starken Säulen getragen. Sie ist geprägt von deutschen und kanadischen Einflüssen – und diese Verbindung spiegelt sich in unserer täglichen Arbeit wider: Wir kombinieren den Anspruch von Natur und Umwelt mit Qualität und stehen für ein hochwertiges, selbstverständliches Wohlfühl-Zuhause in unserer heutigen Welt. Damit gelingt es uns immer wieder, neue Akzente zu setzen.

Abenteuerlust ist der Startschuss
Am Anfang war der Wille. Im Oktober 1969 wandert der Werkzeugmacher Wolfgang Schroeter von Pforzheim nach Kanada aus. Mit nichts in der Tasche – aber beseelt von dem Wunsch, es zu schaffen. „Abenteuerlust – das war’s“, erinnert sich Wolfgang Schroeter, der damit den ersten Schritt zu einer großen Erfolgsgeschichte machte.

Ein paar Werkzeuge. Und viel Elan.
Im kanadischen Barrie arbeitete Wolfgang Schroeter zunächst als Werkzeugmacher und lernte seine Frau Ingrid kennen – ebenfalls eine Deutsche. Schwankende Auftragslagen sorgten für unregelmäßige Beschäftigungen – also beschlossen Ingrid und Wolfgang Schroeter, die Sache selbst in die Hand zu nehmen: 1976 gründeten sie in Barrie die Wolf Steel Ltd. - mit ein paar gekauften Werkzeugen in einer Garage.

Ein Ofen heizt das Geschäft an
Ingrid und Wolfgang Schroeter produzierten zunächst Geländer und waren damit in der Region schnell die Nummer eins. So richtig ins Rollen kam die Sache aber, als Ingrids Vater 1978 einen Ofen haben wollte. Wolfgang Schroeter baute ihn. Dann einen für den Nachbarn. Dann kamen weitere Anfragen. Und damit waren die Schroeters im Ofen- Geschäft.

Napoleon. Von der Idee zur Marke.
1980 rüstete Wolfgang Schroeter mit seinem kleinen Team als erstes Unternehmen Holzöfen mit Keramikglas und einem Luftreinigungssystem aus. Wolfgang Schroeter entwarf das Design der Ofentür neu und erfand den Namen Napoleon. Heute steht Napoleon an Firmengebäuden in 34 Ländern auf der Welt und ist der Inbegriff für Qualität, Service und Zuverlässigkeit.

Kontinuierliches Wachstum
Unter der Leitung von Ingrid und Wolfgang Schroeter wuchs das Unternehmen stetig weiter. Zu den Öfen kamen Grills und Kamine, später zudem Zentralheizungs- und Lüftungssysteme. Mit der Entwicklung der Napoleon Premium Fire Elektrokamine schlägt das Unternehmen ein neues Kapitel in seiner Erfolgsgeschichte auf. Alles bedacht und durchdacht. Und immer mit Leidenschaft, Erfahrung und dem Gefühl für das Besondere.

Zweite Generation rückt in die erste Reihe
Wachstum prägte und prägt Napoleon. Diese positive Entwicklung bekamen die Söhne Chris und Stephen Schroeter hautnah mit: Beide gehören inzwischen seit rund 20 Jahren zum Team, in dem heute rund 1.600 Mitarbeiter tätig sind. Inzwischen leiten sie zusammen mit dem Präsidenten Ron McArthur die Geschicke des Unternehmens. Ingrid und Wolfgang Schroeter unterstützen das Führungsteam auch weiterhin mit ihren Ideen und Anregungen.

Facts and figures
1.200.000 m2
Production area
Distribution countries
- Napoleon has held its own branches in Europe since 2010
- Production area: More than 1,200,000 m² at the four locations in Canada with two production sites in the USA and in China
- In September 2020, the new 24,000 m² European headquarters and logistics centre went into operation in Tiel, the Netherlands, opening a new chapter in the success story of the business.
- Worldwide sales in 34 countries
- Certified according to ISO 9001 - 2008
- Social engagement with charitable institutions
Winner of the Vesta Award, electrical products
Canada’s Best Managed Company Award
Vesta Award finalist, stove/grill components and controls.
Vesta Award, stove accessories
Vesta Award, gas products
Vesta Award, Best of HPBA Show