Set accents. Enjoy inspiring moments. Upgrade your home. Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces help you create your new favourite spot with ease. An extraordinary touch to any room. Once the dance of the flames starts, feelings of wellbeing will bring down your pulse.

Enjoyment of special experiences
Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces bring fire to a new dimension. A true fire experience, pure design, easy operation. Adapts to your mood at all times. Stimulating light effects to give you strength or a warm play of colours for relaxation and deceleration. For unique living experiences: Enjoy the look of the fire in summer and experience cosy warmth thanks to the optional heating function in the transition period or when it is cold outside. Brought to you by Napoleon, the specialist in innovative technology - for your home.
Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces with an impressive charisma. In addition to their individual character, Napoleon e-fireplaces can be placed anywhere. In your living room, bedroom, reception area or kitchen. In your house, apartment or in the common room of a flat share. No matter how big or small your new feel-good room is or what light conditions prevail, Napoleon Premium Fire has the right electric fireplace for your needs.
A Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplace noticeably increases the enjoyment of living wherever there is a wall socket. With you. With your partner. At your family. With your guests. Anywhere and with everyone. Thanks to the state of the art technology, Napoleon makes the decisive difference. Turn your apartment into an experience with an electric fireplace by Napoleon to forget the stress and hectic pace of everyday life quickly.

Play of colours to your taste
Let rooms come to life, for example with a warm orange, a cooler blue or a lively yellow - suitable for any mood and every room. Choose the respective colour or multi-colour combination according to your liking to create your very own play of flames. You also benefit from the fact that the Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces are made with high-intensity, long-lasting and energy-saving LEDs only. You can enjoy the play of flames with and without the heating power switched on.

Elegance down to the very last detail
High-quality glass or a sturdy metal mesh, a solid metal frame and an invisible touchpad are the bass for unique fire experiences. Our e-fireplaces let you choose between a puristic and an unusual design for your favourite spot.
Feel-good atmosphere at eye level
Before choosing your electric fireplace, you should consider in which room and at what height you wish to install it. The available free wall space determines the optimal width for the electric fireplace - for instance, if you have 170 to 230 centimetres of free wall space, Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces with a width of 127 to 152 centimetres would be optimal. The play of flames works best if you place your electric fireplace at eye level or a little above it. Simply sit on a chair in the dining room, an armchair or couch in the living room or lie on the bed in your bedroom to find out.
Innovative technology at the push of a button
Using the innovative technology of your Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplace really is child's play: Use the remote control to set up the multi-stage time and thermostat programs to your liking. When using green electricity, our e-fireplaces are climate-neutral. The open window monitoring system also helps keep a check on power consumption: If the room temperature drops by 10 °Celsius within three minutes, the Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplace recognises this as an open window and automatically turns down the heat.
Fire without hazard
The safety aspect is another advantage of our e-fireplaces. Playing with this fire is absolutely harmless. No child or adult will burn their fingers when touching the glass or metal front. Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces do not release ash or soot into the apartment. And there is no need for a chimney.
You are moving homes. Your Napoleon Premium Fire will come along
Napoleon Premium Fire electric fireplaces are eye-catchers for every wall. And thanks to our wide range, they are a good fit for practically any wall. Enjoy your fireplace for a long time: When moving moves, your electric fireplace will simply come along. And bring a piece of your home and upgrade your new surroundings.